I was a blasphemer and enemy of God my whole life until Father God drew me to Lord Jesus at age forty-five and I was radically converted to Christ. At that time I had been living on the street for three years, addicted to alcohol and meth, stealing every day, hating myself and others, and crossing boundaries I never thought I would cross in my life—I was greatly demonized and my heart was set on evil.
Category Archives: Repentance
An Urgent Call, Part Three – Charisma Media
This is Part Three of: An Urgent Call To Christian News Publishers
Another “Christian news” publisher using ad networks that dishonor the name of Christ is Charisma Media. If you are not familiar with this organization they publish websites like CharismaNews.com, CharismaMag.com, and MinistryTodayMag.com. Here is a description from their corporate website:
“Charisma Media is a leading creator of diversified Christian resources that empowers believers for God’s purpose. Our vision is to inspire people to radically change their world.”
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An Urgent Call, Part Two – Salem Web Network
This is Part Two of: An Urgent Call To Christian News Publishers
Another Christian News website publishing ads that dishonor and profane the holy name of God is ChristianHeadlines.com. This website is published by the Salem Web Network and here is a statement from their corporate website:
“Salem Web Network’s mission is to connect with Christians through emerging technologies. Whether it’s on the web or mobile computing, a dedication to our users, ministries and the Gospel is at the heart of everything we do.”
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An Urgent Call To Christian News Publishers
In October of 2016 I was led to contact Christian Media Corporation International about ads on some of their websites that dramatically lacked reverence for God; in fact, they dishonored Christ and profaned His holy name. If you are not familiar with this organization they publish websites like ChristianPost.com, ChristianToday.com, and GospelHerald.com. Here is a description from their corporate website:
“Christian Media Corporation International (CMC Group) is a faith-based digital news, entertainment, and resource company with over 100 websites based in 6 continents.”
Continue reading “An Urgent Call To Christian News Publishers” »