Category Archives: False Beliefs

How Do You View People? Regard No One According To The Flesh

How do you view people? Do you see them through the eyes of God? Before Jesus came into my life eleven years ago, I viewed other people as rivals, threats, obstacles, pawns, and pieces of meat for my consumption. I regarded people as objects that threatened my selfish desires or subjects that facilitated them.

The Word of God tells us that the thief came to steal, kill, and destroy. I didn’t know truth and I didn’t know love—I didn’t know Jesus. I didn’t have wisdom, I didn’t have understanding. I didn’t know how to give love selflessly, and I didn’t know how to receive love. Continue reading “How Do You View People? Regard No One According To The Flesh” »

How do we take our emotions captive to the obedience of Christ?

Transformed Through Truth

In 2 Corinthians 10 we are commanded to take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ by applying truth to lies and false beliefs—in doing so we destroy arguments and every arrogant attitude raised against the knowledge of God.

What I want to look at today is emotions—how do we take our emotions captive to the obedience of Christ?

Continue reading “How do we take our emotions captive to the obedience of Christ?” »

The Power Of False Beliefs

Before Christ came into my life I was a lost and broken soul, desperate to hide, cover, escape, and control my shame.  I couldn’t accept love from another human being when I believed I was unacceptable; I didn’t know how to receive love, I didn’t know how to give love, and it was inconceivable to me that Father God could possibly have anything but disgust and disdain for me.

How can a young man accept love from others when he “knows” he is unacceptable–when he believes he is unlovable, undesirable, unworthy, dirty, and defective?  He searches for a motive–he wonders… Continue reading “The Power Of False Beliefs” »