Monthly Archives: January 2018

What Have You Been Delivered From?

What has the LORD delivered you from?  What have you been delivered to?

When the Holy Spirit made His home in me five years ago, I had a sudden awareness that Jesus is Lord; that Jesus is my Savior; that I was forgiven, and I had passed from death to life.  I grew in understanding and realized that the Holy Scriptures revealed to me the true condition of my heart in order for me to see my need for salvation.

I came to the knowledge that the cross of Christ wasn’t a revelation of my sin but a revelation of my value to my Father in heaven.  Jesus, the risen Christ, provided the ultimate act of love–one man dying for another; cleansing me and reconciling me back to my heavenly Father, that I may know Him and know life, destroying the works of the devil. Continue reading “What Have You Been Delivered From?” »